Take The Reins harnesses the power of horses to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing with funding raised through The Health Lottery.
Take The Reins harnesses the power of horses to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing with funding raised through The Health Lottery.
Khalsa Youth Football Academy launched its Connecting Hope project with funds raised through The Health Lottery. It delivers weekly activities for children and adults with learning difficulties and special needs in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire.
How funds raised through The Health Lottery help Sporting Elite support kids and teenagers in Birmingham through their Better Me project.
A London charity uses sport as a means of bringing disadvantaged communities together, with a little help from The Health Lottery.
Fresh air, a walk and a chat can be so beneficial for mental health – and Mums Social brings people together to get moving.
“We’re really passionate about making dance accessible”. IgniteYou enables all ages with a range of abilities to improve their physical and mental health through dance, with funds raised through The Health Lottery.
A neurodiverse football team rich in friendship and talent has reached new heights thanks to funds raised through The Health Lottery.
Plymouth Youth Sailing Club offers opportunities to get local youngsters out on to Plymouth Sound and the National Marine Park. Their project to support veterans has transformed people’s lives, thanks to money raised through The Health Lottery.